I just finished my 6 months urineprøve. And got my drivers licence back. Now I still have to pee clean for another 3 to 5 years. Does this mean if I have 1 bad prøve I lose it again?
I just finished my 6 months urineprøve. And got my drivers licence back. Now I still have to pee clean for another 3 to 5 years. Does this mean if I have 1 bad prøve I lose it again?
Rusinfo svarer:
Dette svaret er mer enn ett år gammelt. Endringer i lov- og regelverk kan ha skjedd siden publisering.
Congratulations on getting your licence back. Unfortunately, a positive sample may lead to you losing your DL again.
The guide (which the health professionals use) says: «Der det ved slike [kvartalsvise] kontroller påvises misbruk, må det gjøres en ny vurdering av om helsekravet fortsatt er oppfylt.» («Where such [quarterly] tests show abuse, a new assessment must be made of whether the health requirement is still met.»).
This means that it is up to the doctor (or whoever is testing you) to assess the situation and to decide whether or not your DL should be revoked again. The decision probably depends on the severity and extent of your drug/alcohol use.
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