Hi I live in a housing complex and have noticed som of the boys who don’t live here coming to smoke weed. Since it’s just out of my door . I am a little concerned. What can I do about this
Hi I live in a housing complex and have noticed som of the boys who don’t live here coming to smoke weed. Since it’s just out of my door . I am a little concerned. What can I do about this
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We understand your concern. If you’re comfortable doing so, the easiest thing to try might be to simply ask them, in a calm and friendly manner, to smoke somewhere else – this is just outside your door, after all. Hopefully they’ll be considerate of this.
However, if they’re not considerate – or if you don’t feel comfortable talking to them – you might try addressing this with the board/management (styret) of the housing complex. Then it’s up to them to figure out a course of action. Alternatively, you can consider contacting the police.
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