Hello, can I sell in norway Amaníta regális or Amanita muscaria legally?
Hello, can I sell in norway Amaníta regális or Amanita muscaria legally?
Rusinfo svarer:
Dette svaret er mer enn ett år gammelt. Endringer i lov- og regelverk kan ha skjedd siden publisering.
Amaníta regális and Amanita muscaria (known as «brun fluesopp» and «rød fluesopp» in Norwegian respectively) are not defined as narcotic substances by Norwegian law. As such, harvesting, use, possession, sale etc. is not prohibited by Legemiddelloven and/or Straffeloven.
However, these mushrooms are classified as toxic, which probably means there is a prohibtion on selling these commercially with the intent of consumption. Our best guess in this regard would be Matvareloven § 16, which says «Det er forbudt å omsette næringsmiddel som ikke er trygt. Et næringsmiddel skal anses for ikke å være trygt dersom det betraktes som helseskadelig eller uegnet for konsum», roughly translated as «It is prohibited to sell nutrients that are not safe. Any nutrient should be considered unsafe if it is viewed as a health hazard or unfit for consumption».
In other words, our understanding is that this is somewhat of a legal grey area – where selling these mushrooms isn’t necessarily illegal per se, but it can still be considered illegal depending on the intent and circumstances (i.e. sold commercially as a nutrient for consumption).
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