I have a question about my rights

I come from Ukraine, I have a lifelong disability, I have a titanium plate in my head and I take Methadone in LAR, I have a question about my rights as I have seen a doctor once in 8 months and I have a problem as I don’t know the language, I was referred to a dentist in LAR and the dentist did an iron cleaning and damaged my front teeth and they are made of metal-ceramic, she promised to fix it in 6 months, I just did this cleaning and damaged my front tooth and now it’s black and you can see the metal, She tried to fix it but she couldn’t, I don’t know what to do, I thought they were going to fix my teeth and they ruined them, and these teeth are a bridge of 6 metal ceramic teeth and only all of them can be removed for repair, and it’s been 8 months since I’ve been treated, I’m writing to you because I need help, in 8 months I’ve only had alcohol and pot tests and that’s it, the doctor is in business twice when I was admitted and in April.

mann/gutt |
39 år |

  Rusinfo svarer:

We are sorry to hear that you are having these problems. Unfortunately there is not much we can help you with in this situation. We will recommend you to contact Pasient- og brukerombudet. This organization can provide advice regarding your rights as a patient.

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