I need help, I dont want to live with my husband anymore, we arrived to norway a year ago, he is agressive with me and my kids, Im scared of barnevernet take my kids away from me, or get deported thats why I was trying to save my self but now in Quarentine We cant hadle it anymore, I need advise, what caold I do? I just want to protect my children, My country now is dying and my housband left so much debt that I cant even pay. I need advice
Kvinne, 37 år fra Rogaland
RUStelefonen svarer:
We are sorry to hear that you and your children feel unsafe, and that you are afraid. Violence is not only physical violence. If you are afraid of your husband because he is aggressive, this is violence, and you are entitled to protection.
We recommend you to read this page about domestic violence, and where to get help. You can find the same information in many languages here.
Here is contact information for crisis shelter in Rogaland:
- Krisesenteret i Stavanger: Postboks 503 sentrum, 4003 Stavanger. Phone number: 51 53 06 23.
- Krisesenter vest IKS, avd. Haugesund: Postboks 495, 5501 Haugesund. Phone number: 52 72 98 84
Here you can read about what a crisis shelter is and how they can help. They are open despite the Convid-19 pandemic.
You can also call the VO-helpline. National Domestic Violence Helpline 116 006 is a helpline for anyone experiencing domestic abuse.