Where can I fine help in English or Polish about alcohol problem
Kvinne, 30 år fra Oslo
I you want to read about problems with alcohol in English you can click here. This homepage is in English and explain what problems alcohol can give you. If you need information about help for alcohol problems and treatment in Norway you can call RUStelfonen on 08588. We are open every day between 11am – 19 pm. If you are living in Norway, and want help, you may have a right to this. If you want to know more about it, you’ll have to contact Nav. Here is information in Polish from Nav.
If you want online help for alcohol problems, you can look at these pages: Bright eye: online help to beat alcohol problems, SMART Recovery Online. If you want maore information please don’t hesitate to call us anonymously at 08588 every day between 11 am and 7 pm. You may also contact AA. They have meetings in English. Here is more information.